
Thursday, 17 September 2015

Campervan Glossary of Terms

We've met quite a few motorhomers and hope to meet many more on our travels.  They all have various motorhoming terms for different things, problems, jobs and so on.  I follow the Our Tour blog and recently read an old post of theirs called The Dave Motorhoming Glossary.  It made me realise that we also have our own Campervan Glossary of Terms, which I've shared below for anyone interested.  A couple are cloned unashamedly from Our Tour (ie 'Go Nido Go!) - thanks for the inspiration guys! - but the rest of the terms have grown in direct proportion to our own campervan trip experiences.  I'll no doubt add to this as we go along, but for now:

“Fire and carbon monoxide alarms are about to be tested, no action is to be taken” - Royal Naval-type ‘pipe’ before testing both alarms.

“Fire and carbon monoxide alarms test complete, obey all further alarms” - when the alarm tests are done.

Secure for Sea State 7 - preparations to drive off, named after the need to secure for SS7 when a warship proceeds to sea.  EHU unhooked, all external lockers locked, step in, all skylights and habitation area windows closed, all lockers and cupboards closed, all items stowed away, main control panel off, Fridge to battery.

Go Nido Go! - when we need to get a quick move on when on the road - normally when joining a dual carriageway or motorway or when pulling out of a junction.  Could also be used when climbing a particularly steep road or starting a trip.

No Nido No! - when we need to stop rather suddenly and unexpectedly, such as traffic jams, roadworks, speed bumps or the road’s not clear to pull out.

Interweb juice - wifi (preferably free) or remaining data usage on a SIM card.

Moving juice - diesel.  The game is to find the cheapest in the area.

Cooking juice - LPG.  Same game as diesel.  Also used for heating (ie cooking us!).

Loo juice - the contents of the toilet cassette.  It’s Paul’s job to empty the Loo juice “I’m about to empty the Loo juice - all users log off!”

Anker juice - not another naval term!  This is the charging unit for powering up phones, tablets and kindles when wild camping. “My phone needs some Anker juice.”

Laughing juice - the liquid served at 'Beer o'clock' (see below) that can lead to much laughing or unprompted giggling! This is a 'guest' term suggested by Martin Dorey (@campervanliving and author of The Campervan Cookbook)

Dump the Grey - not a reference to divorcing Cathy!  It’s about emptying the grey waste tank (shower and washing up waste water).  

Fridge to battery - ready for running it off the engine alternator when driving.

Fridge to electric - when on electric hook up (normally campsites)

Fridge to gas - when no electric hook up (normally aires and wild camping)

Is it me or is it hot in here? - open some doors, windows or skylights (depending on whether driving or stationary).

Is it me or is it cold in here? - close some doors, windows or skylights (depending on whether driving or stationary).  Could also result in putting on more clothes or (last resort!) putting on the heating.

Beer o’clock (aka wine o’clock, gin o’clock etc) - the sun is over the yardarm (somewhere) so time to relax with some alcohol - always and only when stationary on a campsite or aire though!

Nagivator - the Garmin GPS or, on occasion, the person sat in the passenger cab seat!

Oska - the Remoska electric ‘oven’, used when on EHU.

Flo - a large pot that combines pressure cooker, casserole pot, steamer etc.  Named as such because it belonged to Cathy’s Mum - Flo.

Purple Bucket - a purple ‘trug’ bucket with two handles, normally used for gardening.  This has a multitude of uses including washing up, washing clothes, emptying grey water, storing muddy boots & wellies, soaking sore feet.

Paddie - the iPad.  Could also be used to refer to the Nexus 7 tablet.

Fire up the Safari - connect up and light the Cadac Safari gas BBQ.  

Brew view - the view from any of the windows or the opening sliding door while enjoying a mug of tea, coffee or hot chocolate.


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